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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Names of files and their sizes in MB file_names = [ "The Hacker Playbook 3 - Practical Guide To Penetration Testing", "knowledge2.txt", "hackingciphers.pdf", "Web Hacking 101 - How to Make Money Hacking Ethically", "knowledge2.txt", "Black Hat Python - Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters", "The web application hacker's handbook", "hacker-education-resources.pdf", "knowledge.txt", "Ethical Hacking With Kali Linux Learn Fast How To Hack", "kalirevealed.pdf", "Beginning Ethical Hacking with Python (1)", "Beginning Ethical Hacking with Python (2)", "Learning the bash Shell - Unix Shell Programming", "Real-World Bug Hunting - A Field Guide to Web Hacking", "hacking-the-art-of-exploitation.pdf", "BashNotesForProfessionals.pdf" ] file_sizes = [ 14.7, # MB 3.2, # MB 5.6, # MB 6.1, # MB 3.2, # MB 7.0, # MB 36.2, # MB 2.3, # MB 4.4, # MB 8.9, # MB 5.7, # MB 5.9, # MB 5.9, # MB 2.1, # MB 39.4, # MB 1.8, # MB 0.6 # MB ] plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) plt.barh(file_names, file_sizes, color='skyblue') plt.xlabel('File Size (MB)') plt.title('File Sizes in /mnt/data/') plt.tight_layout()